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Howdy, Former!

Welcome back to your home away from home. BCA is focused on providing our alumni with a quality touch-point as a way to reconnect with A&M and reengage with life before 5 kids, going to bed early, and starting a 401(k)--whatever that is. Check out the events we have coming up for you.

For you


Alumni Tailgate

Welcome back to A&M, Whoop! Throwback to the days before doing things like purchasing tickets, not standing, and awkward invitations. BCA welcomes you home at Aggie Park with quality, filling, and an engaging tailgate.


When: October 26th


Former's Weekend

Hosted by the Board of Formers, this event offers formers a spring weekend to connect with each other and spend the evening with the current active body. Screw that work retreat. Hark back to the greatest days with the boys. 


When: April 1 - 2, 2022


Summer Outings

With a focus on mentorship and post-grad community, many formers set up gatherings to hang out with current members and other alumni. Coming soon to a Top Golf near you.



When: May 7 - August 7

Did BCA make it?

Yes. We're on year 27 and going strong.


"This past fall we inducted the 2023 Pledge Class which consisted of 27 men. They were taken through a pledgeship process like what many of you accomplished during your time in BCA. The purpose of this undertaking is that these 27 guys fall more in love with Jesus Christ and grow through spiritual, mental, and physical challenges, to become the best men they can be. While buy-in to BCA is important, the main goal is that these men learn to lead on campus, lead their future wives and families, lead in their careers, and ultimately glorify God in every stage of their lives.


"In addition, we’ve hosted the most bought-in active body—I believe—BCA may have ever seen. Super tight bonds have been formed, involvement in BCA’s extra-curricular functions has increased, and outside activity buy-in (i.e., Big Event, group trips) has increased.


"This Spring semester has consisted of guys serving at S.O.S. Ministries, playing in our philanthropic concert, attending a formal in New Braunfels, and getting hyped during the annual BCA cup. This spring semester is rolling right along with the Pledge Trainer election last week and EC elections right around the corner."

- Ethan Moss, Alumni Relations '23-'24


What should alumni expect in 2024-2025?

In the fall, a quality tailgate* with plenty of food and water for a lot of standing (Liquid I.V. must be purchased separately). Please bring any other beverage you wish to consume, as the budget pretty much caps at the water (we promise to deliver the food). All current members will be present!


As for the spring, a detailed itinerary for the BOF: Former's Weekend*, will be sent out to alumni via email, detailing a fun and refreshing weekend spent being social, active, and relaxing. And yes, we will go to Northgate (starting at the Chicken).


Summer meet-ups are happening. Make sure Johnny Frederick, the head of the Board of Formers, has your phone number and address.


*all communications for details will be sent via email list


What did it look like last year?

Alumni Tailgate

Aggie Park

October 29, 2022

Former's Weekend


April 1-2, 2022

Summer Outings

A&M Summer: May 7 - August 7

Last year we hosted a group LSU game day weekend on October 26th. Friday night we hosted a backyard family-style dinner and teed off at Big Shots (A&M's Top Golf) Saturday, back in time for BCA's tailgate at the 6:30 game.





7-9 PM Friday, April 1

(Formers' Only)





12-4 PM Saturday, April 2
@ the Holmestead (6701 Claypit Rd)
Fajitas, Drinks, & Yard Games





Saturday Night, April 2


We are thrilled our formers have been able to connect with our current body over the summer at various cities. Be sure to get in contact with our BOF if we do not already have your information. Otherwise, we look forward to planning something this summer!


Reconnect with BCA

Alumni Relations Team

For any questions, concerns, networking opportunities, or ideas, please reach out to our Board of Formers!

Help BCA grow!

These funds will go toward Formers Events and connectivity, sponsorship of active members, funding for gospel missions, furthering of the gospel locally through S.O.S. Ministries, and long-term growth of BCA.

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